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  • I have received approval from my child’s qualified health provider to safely sleep train. 

  • I have read the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines and agree to practice safe sleeping for the prevention of SIDS and SUIDS.

  • I have disclosed any medical conditions that my child has to Sweet Baby Sleep Consultant.

  • I agree to pay invoice within 7 days after it has been sent out.

  • I understand that invoice must be paid before I receive the customized sleep plan. 

  • I understand that once Sweet Baby Sleep Consultant completes the customized sleep plan for my child, that there are no refunds if I change my mind. 

  • I agree and understand that I have 14 days to start implementing the customized sleep plan or I will have to purchase another Sleep Solution and follow-up support as the information and routines will no longer apply to my child. 

  • I understand that the Customized Sleep Plan is personalized for my child and will not share with a third party. 

  • I acknowledge that any changes I make to my child’s Customized Sleep Solution is my choice and may result in unsuccessful results. 

  • I understand and agree to the Sleep Training methods myself and Sweet Baby Sleep Consultant have agreed on for my child. 

  • I understand that if Patti DiClemente does not hear from me for a period of time or a scheduled call/meeting is missed, it is assumed all if going well and no support is required. 

  • I agree to anything I have written/posted on Sweet Baby Sleep Consultant’s Facebook Page can be shared on social media or Sweet Baby Sleep Consultant’s website.

  • Hours are: Monday- Saturday 9:00 am- 7:00 pm.  I do my best to respond to all of my messages ASAP but please understand I may not always be able to respond right away. I will respond within a reasonable time. 

  • I do not work on Sunday’s, unless there is an emergency. 

  • I agree that the entire process takes patience, consistency and commitment for positive results. I agree that without clear communication and honesty, Patti cannot properly assess the situation. 

  •  I understand that the information given by Sweet Baby Sleep Consultant, is not to be taken in place for medical advice, care or treatment.  Always seek professional care from your licensed health provider for medical concerns. 

  • I understand that accepting Sweet Baby’s Customized Sleep Solution and services, does not guarantee positive results for all babies and children.  The amount of positive progress does depend on how closely the customized sleep plan is followed and implemented

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© 2023 Sweet Baby Sleep

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